Longitudinal Trajectories of Self-System Processes and Depressive Symptoms Among Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Children
Jungmeen Kim
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Search for more papers by this authorJungmeen Kim
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Search for more papers by this authorThis research was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (K01-MH068491), the William T. Grant Foundation, the Office of Child Abuse and Neglect, and the Spunk Fund, Inc. The authors would like to thank Michael Lynch, Jody Todd Manly, and Robin Sturm for their contributions to coordinating the summer camp and Fred Rogosch for his helpful comments.
This study used latent growth modeling to investigate longitudinal relationships between self-system processes and depressive symptoms among maltreated (n=142) and nonmaltreated children (n=109) aged 6–11 years. On average, self-esteem and self-agency increased and depressive symptoms decreased over time. Multivariate growth modeling indicated that, regardless of gender, physical abuse was negatively related to initial levels of self-esteem, and physical abuse and physical neglect were positively associated with initial levels of depressive symptoms. Emotional maltreatment was predictive of changes in self-esteem and changes in depressive symptoms. Initial levels of self-esteem were negatively associated with initial levels of depressive symptoms. The findings contribute to enhancing our understanding of the developmental processes whereby early maltreatment experiences are linked to later maladjustment.
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