Volume 79, Issue 1 p. 156-169

Neighborhood Disadvantage: Pathways of Effects for Young Children

Dafna E. Kohen

Corresponding Author

Dafna E. Kohen

Statistics Canada

concerning this article should be addressed to Dafna E. Kohen, Information and Research Division, Statistics Canada, 24 R.H. Coats Building, 100 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A-0T6. Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected].Search for more papers by this author
Tama Leventhal

Tama Leventhal

Tufts University

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V. Susan Dahinten

V. Susan Dahinten

University of British Columbia

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Cameron N. McIntosh

Cameron N. McIntosh

Statistics Canada

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First published: 04 February 2008
Citations: 275

The authors gratefully acknowledge Jean-Marie Berthelot for comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript and Yasmin Amaratunga, Laura Visentin, and Mary Sue Devereux for their assistance in manuscript preparation.


The present study used Canadian National Longitudinal data to examine a model of the mechanisms through which the effects of neighborhood socioeconomic conditions impact young children’s verbal and behavioral outcomes (N= 3,528; M age = 5.05 years, SD= 0.86). Integrating elements of social disorganization theory and family stress models, and results from structural equation models suggest that both neighborhood and family mechanisms played an important role in the transmission of neighborhood socioeconomic effects. Neighborhood disadvantage manifested its effect via lower neighborhood cohesion, which was associated with maternal depression and family dysfunction. These processes were, in turn, related to less consistent, less stimulating, and more punitive parenting behaviors, and ultimately, poorer child outcomes.